Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Reflection

 Look back to your earliest posts. What were your goals? Did you achieve these goals? If so, what did you have to do consistently to achieve the goals?
 I looked back to my goals and I saw that yes I did achieve my goals. To achieve my goals I haded to be so patient and so careful It wasn't an easy job. Some people are peace off with kids they think that kids are the worst thing ever but I realize it is not like that kids can be better that that.

 What are the most important ideas or skills you’ve learned in the last 12 weeks?
 On these last past weeks I think that the most important thing I learn how to be patient with kids. It is so important to be patient so you don't get peace off. 

 In what ways have your grown as a student and young adult?
 In this internship I had grown as a responsible student, I know I can be more responsible then I thought and thats important for me because when I get a real job I know I have to be responsible and always do a great job. 
What were the highlights (memorable moments) of your internship experience?
 For me the most memorable moments were those when I share conversations with the kids. I get to heard some story about some of them how they live and how they are treat at home. They were conforteble talking to me there were some kids with some sad story.

If you were to start internship next week, what is at least one thing you would do differently?
 I would try to do a better job by not being shy when the teacher talk to me. 
Think of two to three pieces of advice you could offer a new intern at your site.
 I for a new intern I will love to tell them to always do the best they can on their internship because they never know when they going to do something like that on real life not only as an intern. And always remember to be on time and act serious in their job because that can help them in their future.

What will you miss about your internship?
 I will miss the kids, the job that I use to do and just being at the internship.

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